How To Conduct A Workplace Audit
Preparing your business for potential workplace audits is the best investment you can make to protect yourself from future legal implications.
If you don't know how to do your own workplace audit, in this blog, we have compiled a brief overview of the procedure we usually undertake for our clients.
Unbiased Review
An external review of your business will begin with a thorough review of all existing workplace policies and procedures, employee records (including employment contracts / agreements) and applicable Awards to ensure you are legally compliant. This process is strictly confidential, unbiased and designed to benefit the unique industry your business is in.
Identify Areas of Risk
Under the review, the specific areas of risk will be identified and advice given to allow the issues to be rectified with priority. These are usually the areas where the most risk is posed for your company, for example, underpayment payroll issues or employee misconduct.
Drafting New Policy and Procedure Documents
Once the areas of concern are identified, new policies and procedures and employment contracts/agreements for your company can be created in compliance with the appropriate legislation. It is vital that these documents are concise, easy to follow and implement.
Crisis and Risk Management System
In conjunction with your new policies and procedures, it is best practice to go one step further and introduce a crisis and risk management system. A Crisis Management Plan is one way to incorporate this into your business and ensure that you're keeping on top of industry changes, and are aware of the potential crisis situations related to your company.
Audits can be a lengthy procedure to implement, but at the end of the day, their main aim is to prevent both internal and external threats and allow for your business to operate smoothly. The Optimum Legal team is equipped with expertise and knowledge to assist you with an external workplace audit. Enquire here.